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文档介绍:????????????????????? ?? ?????????????? ????????????: ??????ν????? ???? ?? ????????????? The study on authenticated tripartite key exchange protocol Thesis Submitted to Shanghai Jiao Tong University in partial ful?llment of the requirement for the degree of Master by WANG Yuanyuan ( Computer Science ) Thesis Supervisor: CAO Zhenfu Dec, 2009 ?????????????? 1976??Dif?e-Hellman?DH???????????????????????????????????????????????т????????????????DH?????????????????????????????????????AKE??????????????????????????????????ν??????????ν???????????????????????????????б?????????????????????????????????Ч???????????????????????????ν????????????????????ν??????????Ф?????ν??????????????????????????ν????????Ч?????????? 1.???????eCK????????????????eCKν?????????б??????????????????KCI????????????? 2.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????eCKν???????????????? 3.???????????????????σ?????????Ч?ν?????ν???????????б???????????????????????????ν??? 4.????????????KCI????????????????????????????????????????KCI???????Dif?e-Hellman???????????????ν????eCK?????????????? I The study on authenticated tripartite key exchange protocol ABSTRACT In 1976, Dif?e-Hellman (DH) key exchange protocol was ?rstly proposed to solve the problem of how two sides without a pre-shared secret negotiate a session key which opens up a new direction for public-key cryptography . However DH protocol can’t resist man- in-middle attack due to lack of authentication. Many researchers have proposed the authen- ticated key exchange (AKE) protocol to resist the man-in-middle attack. In view of the diversity of means of attack from attacker, the formal security model was used to prove the security of the AKE protocol. With the continuous development of the , there have been many scenarios in- volving a munication, such as merce related to buyers, sellers and trusted third party, mobile roaming related to the terminal, the local server, remote server. However, the tripartit