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文档介绍:???????Scope of Work in Each Stage ???σ??Preferred Master Plan Development ?????σ???????Preferred Land Use Plan Refi nement ??????????????Urban Design Area Detailed Land Use ??????????????Transportation Plan, Open Space and Parks Plan ????????????????, Building Hei ght and Density Plan ???????????Landscape Structure Diagram ?? ??????Conceptual Massing Model ???????????Infrastructure Issues and mendations ?????????? Land Use Statistics Summary ?????БFinal Presentation Package ?? ?????Overall Illustrative Master Plan ?????????????Key City Features Renderings ?? ???????Refined Massing Model ?? ??????Color Board Narrative ?? ????Rendered Ani mation ?? ????Physical Project Model ?? ?????ЧFinal Report ?????σб????????Land Use Plan Alternative and Preliminary Urban Design ???????????Kick ‐Off Workshop and Site Visit ?????????????Base pil ation and Opportunities/Constraints Anal ysi s ?? ??????Government Poli cy Review ????М??????????Sub ‐Regi onal Context Evaluation, Visioning and Positioning ?? ??σ???International Case Studies ?? ??????Preliminary Concepts ???????σ???) Preliminary Land Use Al ternative (two) 3 ????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????Bohai Rim Offers Unprecedented Opportunity 6 ????????????????????????????? Bohai Rimis China’s strategic gatewaytothe worldanda key region to engage and influence global economy. ???????????????????????? ??????????????????????? Bohai Rim, centered around Beijing ‐Tianji n Regi on, represent the next largest economic growth center inChina ?????????????????????????????????????????????? The urgent need for creating strong identity to petitiveness ??????????????? City of Langfang is centrally located in this strategicregion . К?BEIJING ????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????Jing ‐Jin ‐ JiCity Cluster Offers Strategi


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