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文档介绍:西南政法大学硕士学位论文 2 错责任原则,其中过错责任原则为普遍原则,无过错责任原则为特别原则。第四部分针对我国目前司法实践中精神损害赔偿制度存在的问题,如美容不成反遭毁容、旅游合同中遭受欺骗、寄存殡仪馆的骨灰被丢失等特殊的合同纠纷案件;严重侵害公民人格权而造成精神损害的犯罪案件;刑事司法中的错捕、错判给自然人带来严重精神损害的国家赔偿案件等,这些案件皆因立法上空白或不明确而不能适用精神损害赔偿,严重侵害了民事主体的合法权益。笔者通过对各国立法情况的分析,从民事主体的人格权应得到公平保护的角度出发,建议在违约、刑事附带民事诉讼和国家赔偿领域确立精神损害赔偿制度,扩大民事侵权精神损害赔偿的适用范围,更切实、彻底地保护民事主体的合法权益。关键词:精神损害;精神损害赔偿;适用范围;归责原则论精神损害赔偿 3 Abstract Mental pensationmeans that civil subjecthave the right to request the infringerto provide reliefand protection through pensation, etc, when their personaland identity interestsare damaged or they suffer mental anguishbecause of personalrights infringed. At the beginning of the founding of our country, due to the long-term impact of the legal system of the former Soviet Union, China had once denied thementaldamage compensation system. Since the reform and opening up, China's legality buildinghas developed rapidly and legislationbeen improved continuouslythrough all social sectors’efforts and exploration, especially the munityand justice practitioners. In March2001,with extensive referenceto foreign legislation, Supreme People's Court announced “The explanation of a certain number of problems about mental pensation for tort liability”based on actual situation. This explanationmakesmany items clear: such as, which infringed civil rights can demand mental damage compensation? who has the right to initiate legal proceedingsabout mental damage compensation? how to determine the amount ofconsolation money for mental damage? However, because mental pensationsystem started late in our country, laws and regulationsof mental pensationobviouslylaggedbehindsocial, economic and cultural development, with the continuous expansion of the scope of personalityrights and more and more careful legal protection of humanrights. In recent years, with the enhancement of people's awareness of law and rights protection, mental damagesplayed