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文档介绍:??????????????????????????????????????????? 4? 1 ?????? Pen nytir ?????????????? rtien [mum itachint Ani lim-ach ????????????????????????? nivtniq Prtv A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory Penny Ur * F9 ????????????????? Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press is to be congratulated on its initiative in making these publications in linguistics available to foreign language teachers and postgraduate students of linguistics in China. The books are a representative selection. of up-to-date writings on the most important branches of linguistic studies, by scholars who are recognized as leading authorities in their fields. The availability of such a broad range of materials in linguistics will greatly help individual teachers and students to build up their own knowledge and understanding of the subject. At the same time, it will also contribute to the development of linguistics asa discipline in Chinese universities and colleges, helping to e the divisions into "English linguistics", "Chinese linguistics" and so on which hinder the progress of linguistics asa unified science. The series is to be mended for what it offers to all those wanting to gain insight into the nature of language, whether from a theoretical point of view or in application to their professional activities as language teachers. It is being launched ata time when there are increasing opportunities in China for pursuing linguistic studies, and I am confident that it will eed in meeting these new requirements. M. Halliday Emeritus Professor University of Sydney ??? Acknowledgements ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????