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文档介绍:勃朗宁夫人十四行诗四十四首中英双译我想起,当年希腊的诗人曾经歌咏: I thought once how Theocritus had sung 年复一年,那良辰在殷切的盼望中 Of the sweet years, the dear and wished-for years, 翩然降临,各自带一份礼物 Who each one ina gracious hand appears 分送给世人--年老或是年少。 To bear a gift for mortals, old or young: 当我这么想,感叹着诗人的古调, And, asI mused it in his antique tongue, 穿过我泪眼所逐渐展开的幻觉, I saw, in gradual vision through my tears, 我看见,那欢乐的岁月、哀伤的岁月-- The sweet, sad years, the melancholy years, 我自己的年华,把一片片黑影接连着 Those of my own life, who by turns had flung 掠过我的身。紧接着,我就觉察 A shadow across me. Straightway I was 'ware, (我哭了)我背后正有个神秘的黑影 So weeping, how a mystic Shape did move 在移动,而且一把揪住了我的发, Behind me, and drew me backward by the hair; 往后拉,还有一声吆喝(我只是在挣扎): And a voice said in mastery, while I strove, -- “这回是谁逮住了你?猜! ”“死, ”我答话。`Guess now who holds thee?' -- `Death.' I said. But, there 听哪,那银铃似的回音: “不是死,是爱! ” The silver answer rang, -- `Not Death, but love.' * 白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二首可是在上帝的全宇宙里,总共才只 But only three in all God's universe 三个人听见了你那句话:除了 Have heard this word thou hast said, -- Himself, beside 讲话的你、听话的我,就是他-- Thee speaking, and me listening! and replied 上帝自己!我们中间还有一个 One of us ... _that_ was God, ... and laid the curse 出来答话;那昏黑的诅咒落上 So darkly on my eyelids, as to amerce 我的眼皮,挡了你,不让我看见, My sight from seeing thee, -- that ifI had died, 就算我瞑了目,放上沉沉的“压眼钱”, The death-weights, placed there, would have signified 也不至于那么彻底隔绝。唉, Less absolute exclusion. `Nay' is worse 比谁都厉害,上帝的那一声“不行! ” From God than from all others, O my friend! 要不然,世俗的诽谤离间不了我们, Men could not part us with their worldly jars, 任风波飞扬,也不能动摇那坚贞; Nor the seas change us, nor the tempests bend; 我们的手要伸过山岭,互相接触; Our hands would touch for all the mountain-bars 有那么一天,天空滚到我俩中间, And, heaven being rolled between us at the end, 我俩向星辰起誓,还要更加握紧。 We should but to vow t he faster for the stars. * 白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三首我们原不一样,尊贵的人儿呀, Unlike are we, unlike, O princely Heart! 原不一样是我们的职司和前程。 Unlike our uses and our destinies. 你我头上的天使,迎面飞来, Our ministering two angels look surprise 翅膀碰上了翅膀,彼此瞪着 On one anothe