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文档介绍:Lecture 8 Interpreting Informative Speech(C-E) 8-1 The Silk Road Vocabulary Work ?1、追溯 date back ?2、朝廷使者 official & envoy of the royal court ?3、西域 Xiyu(western countries) ?4、河西走廊 the Hexi ‘ Corridor ?5、塔里木盆地 The Tarim Basin ?6、帕米尔山区 the Pamir mountain region ?7、阿富汗 Af ’ ghanistan ‘ Afghan 阿富汗的, 阿富汗人的?8、伊朗 Iran Iranian: 伊朗的,伊朗人/ 8-1 The Silk Road Vocabulary Work ?9、伊拉克 Iraq Iraqi 伊拉克的,伊拉克人的? 10 、叙利亚 Syria ? 11 、地中海 the Mediterranean Sea ? 12 、丝绸织物 silk cloth & goods ? 13 、*** gunpowder ? 14 、造纸术 paper making technique ? 15 、印刷术 printing technique ? 16 、佛教 Buddhism 8-1 The Silk Road Vocabulary Work ? 17 石榴 pomegranate ? 18 散居 scatter ? 19 少数民族 ethnic minorities ? 20 天方夜谭 Arabian nights 一千零一夜的故事? 21 吐鲁番 Tur ’ pan ? 22 领略自然景观的魅力 take pleasure in the charms of the natural landscape 8-1 The Silk Road Vocabulary Work ? 23 、欣赏古代艺术家高超的工艺 appreciate the superior workmanship of ancient artists ? 24 、品尝地方风味小吃 enjoy local delicacies/snack food Sentences in Focus ?丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前 2世纪,当时一名中国官员、朝廷的使者张骞沿着这条连接亚欧两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。? The Silk Road dates back to the second century BC. When a Chinese official and envoy of the royal court Zhang Qian embarked on his business trip to Xiyu following this trade thoroughfare( 通路,大道,要道, a main road or public highway) linking Asia and Europe. Sentence In Focus ?丝绸之路沿途的大批历史文物、引人入胜的自然风景以及富有情趣的地方文化,使“丝绸之路游”成了世界最精彩的旅游项目之一。? A wealth of historical relics, fascinating scenery and interesting local cultures along the Silk Road makes this trip one of the world's most exciting tourist attractions. Sentence in Focus ?我社安排的“丝绸之路游”,始于古城西安,止于新疆首府乌鲁木齐,沿线游客可以领略自然景观的魅力,欣赏古代艺术家的高超工艺,品尝地方风味小吃,结识当地居民。? The Silk Road Tour our travel agency offers will start from the ancient city of Xi'an and ends at Urumqi of Xinjiang. The tour will also cover Lanzhou, Dunhuang and Turpan. All along the route, you will take pleasure in the charms of the natural landscape, appreciate the superior workmanship of a