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COMSOL heat(M).pdf

上传人:yixingmaoj 2016/4/1 文件大小:0 KB


COMSOL heat(M).pdf



文档介绍:COMSOL Tutorial COMSOL Multiphysics (formerly FEMLAB) is a finite element analysis, solver and Simulation software / FEA Software package for various physics and engineering applications, especially coupled phenomena, or multiphysics. COMSOL Multiphysics also offers an extensive interface to MATLAB and its toolboxes for a large variety of programming, preprocessing and postprocessing possibilities. The packages are cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux,Unix.) In addition to conventional physics-based user-interfaces, COMSOL Multiphysics also allows for entering coupled systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). How to create a new model SOL 1. SOL Multiphysics 2. Work through SOL Model Wizard which will require you to select the coordinate system for the model, the relevant physics to the problem, and the type of study you wish to perform (Time dependant or stationary). 3. Define the parameters, equations and variables pertinent to the model (sub directory (Global Definitions). 4. Define the geometry of the model (Geometry). 5. Select the materials you wish to use in your model (Materials). 6. Select the boundary, bulk and initial conditions for your system for each physics you are using (This will be entered separately for each different physics you are using . you will need to enter these for Laminar Flow and again for Heat Transfer if you are using both ). 7. Choose the element size to be used (Mesh). 8. Adjust solver parameters pute (Study). 10. Display the desired results in the most meaningful way (Results). Not all of these steps are always necessary when building a model. The order is also variable depending on plexity of the model. Example 1. (Heat transfer) Consider a cylindrical heating rod which is sheathed by a concentric tube of thickness m and which starts m away from the center. The entire


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