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文档介绍:我国艺术品拍卖行业的市场结构与绩效研究 Abstract Varieties ofmarket system of our country aredeveloping andperfecting ceaselessly withtheworking up ofsocialismmarketeconomic system of our country, which accelerates theeconomic developing thesedifferent market systems, there isspecial one which isestablished and developed withtheworking up of —I!:、>bsoecgi;a皿lis;nmg,mbuar。kpeet。pec。co,nsosm;gihc。觚systesmcs。onf;o。u。hr蛐coun。t。ry;,。stfh缸ou。ghspeeitd artauction marketof ourcountry. This articleexpatiates thebackground ofthissubject andvalue oftheresearch firstly,and points out some problems about the artauction market of our country which isthebeginning ofdevelopment,as wellasthenecessity tofmd out ways to work outtheseproblems,which help todevelop thisindustry article introduces thehistory and actuality of art auction market of our country with importance,which helps US tOknow somethingabout thisindustry. Based on theanalyzing theactuality of artauctionmarket of our country,using anization theory to study themarket structure and market performance of artauction industry of our result on themarket structureof artauction industry indicatesthat themarketconcentrationdegree of art auction industry in our country isinthefallingtrend,industryconcentration islow which peting furiously in scaleeffect isachieved elementarily,but stillhaving largepotential auction industry of our country hasapproved alot ontheproduct difference,but theindustry L谚: bardcf'try barricrof artauctionindustry of our country islow,which makes 钞 against advancing themarketconcentration andforming artauctionenterprise with large on themarketperformance indicatesthat no matterwhattheindustryscale、payoffability aswellasgrowingability,greatprogress isachievedin artauctionindustry of our country,but this resultsfromhi【gh profit rate ofthebeginning of an industry on theanalyzing themarket y ' 4- l一 p 北京工商大学硕士学位论文


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