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文档介绍:ABSTRACT The concept ofBona Fides thereflection ofthe abstract notion ofFairness Contract focus ofthisthesis how to turn the notion represented by Bona Fides into a more concrete mechanism SO as to make more operatable and foreseeable practice,thereby accentuate thefunction ofthe Principle ofGood Faith The development ofBona Fides rules has not been one only the techniques of not only the intrinsic demand oftransactions but also the natural choice of social developments,Which ask for variances,harmony and equilibrium has incorporated profound contents history,culture and economy Bona Fides mechanism helps realize thebalance between social fairness and freedom ofcontract, law uniformity and individual by coordinating conflicts ofdifierent jnterests thatiustice achieved. Rules ofgood faithhave been well developed either Continental Law mon thispoint the two systems oflaw share mon ground, Most recent developments Contract Law beregarded as“system design” thatresolve legal issues relating toBona Fides. significant for the social evolution ofChina to improve the Bona Fides mechanism Contract author holds that,Bona Fides mechanism Chinese Contract Law should be guided by multiplex standards including the standard of evident unfairness(unconscionableCOnduct),cooperativetransaction(fair dealing, reasonable expectationl and the fiduciary shoutd be asmooth and efficient mechanism based on the rules of pre—contract obligation to negotiate, secondary doctrine of change of circumstances and the rules of remedy for breach ofcontract good well as innovative method of case law EstatIlishment ofthegood faith mechanism willhelp toachieve aswift and dynamic Ieapforward ofChina’S Contract Law anew historic period 引言一、选题的背景和研究现状合同法的丰富、深邃和精彩是世所公认的,它吸引着一代又一代法律精英投身其中,流连忘返。这些大师们各种天才般的论述给我们带来的不仅是学术上的启迪,更有精神上的享受。且不说“契约自由”等合同法的经典表达在初始时的强大冲击力和其长久的生命力,仅仅是“契约”一词所蕴涵的丰富文化信息就足以令人心驰神飞,浮想联翩。但历史从未停留它的脚步,合同法也以常变常新的方式继续向我们