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科技英语翻译 10a.ppt

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科技英语翻译 10a.ppt



文档介绍:科技英语翻译的基本方法和技巧 1否定句的翻译?全部否定?部分否定?双重否定?意义上的肯定?含蓄否定?转移否定 2 ?一、全部否定: ? not, no, never, none, neither … nor, nothing, nobody, nowhere ? Whether any of this causes immediate harm is not known. ?这是否会造成直接危害目前还不得而知。? Never is aluminium found free in nature. ?铝在自然界从不以游离状态存在。? At the beginning, it is said, there was literally nothing, not even space. ?据说,在最初的时候,可以说什么东西也没有,甚至连空间也没有。? Nobody wants a dump, or an incinerator, next door. ?谁都不愿意在自己的家门口有个垃圾场或垃圾焚化炉。? A gas has neither definite volume nor definite shape. ?气体既无一定体积,又无一定形状。? Carbon dioxide does not burn, neither does it support burning. ?二氧化碳既不自燃,也不助燃。 3 ?试译下列各句,注意全部否定的译法: ? Neutrons carry no charge. ? Rubber does not conduct electricity. ? A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge, but a neutron has neither. ? These calculations are not correct. ? A semiconductor is a material that is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator. 4 ? Key: ?中子不带电。?橡胶不导电。?质子带正电荷,电子带负电荷,但中子不带任何电荷。?这些计算不正确。?半导体材料既不是良导体,也不是好的绝缘体。 5 No 和 not ? No ddj = not any 否定的语气较重,有极端否定的意味,带有一定的感情色彩? Not adv. 否定语气弱,无感情色彩。? He is not a mathematician. ? He is no mathematician. ? There are trees in this desert. ? There are not any trees in this desert. 6 ? No more … than: 比较时,具有消极意义,表示 than 前后两个事物程度相同,且都是否定。意义等于“ not … any more than ‘.译为”和…一样不;并不比更“? A small fragment from the meteor is often no larger than a grain of san, ?流星的小碎片往往不比沙粒更大。?流星的小碎片往往和沙粒一样小。? Not more … than :比较时,具有积极的意义,表示 than 前的事物在程度上不如 than 后的事物。其意义等于” not so … as ”? This metal is not more useful than aluminium. ?这种金属不如铝那样有用。 7 ? No less … than: 意思是肯定的,一般可译为: “不次于;和…一样”? The biological zone is probably not so familiar to us as these three physical zones, but as a matter of face, it is no less significant than the latter. ?我们对生物带可能不象对这三个自然带那样熟悉, 但实际上其重要性不亚于这三个自然带(和这三个自然带同意重要) ? Not less … than: 不必….差? This workpiece is not less hard than that one. ?这个工件的硬度不比那个工件差。 8否定重点的判断?英语和汉语在表达否定的概念时所使用的词汇手段、语法手段、甚至语言逻辑都有很大的不同,例如,汉语句中的否定重点一般是在否定词的后面,而英语则不然。英语句中的否定词


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