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文档介绍:MA Dissertation of Chongqing University 中文摘要 I 摘要亨利·詹姆斯是十九世纪末二十世纪初杰出的小说家和文学批评家。在其漫长的创作生涯中,他一生倾心并致力于实现小说的直接性。直接性是指呈现一个直接的场景,让人类的场景得到最大程度的再现。可以说把小说艺术戏剧化是詹姆斯小说理论的一个核心概念,这与他毕生追求的艺术真实性不谋而合。本文主要探讨了詹姆斯是如何一步步实现并达到小说的直接性这一目的的。主要对第一阶段不太成熟的单个意识中心(single centerof consciousness)到第三阶段逐渐成熟的多个意识中心(multiple centersof consciousness)及小说的模糊性进行分析,探讨詹姆斯是如何将读者的注意力由对外部世界的关注引入到对内心感受的关注;如何实现了小说的内向化转变;如何达到直接性这一目的的。研究表明,亨利·詹姆斯在实现这一目的的过程中对小说技巧的革新是一个动态﹑发展与完善的过程,由以前夹带现实性的心理描写到后来直接呈现人物内心世界的的心理描写,这也从另一方面体现了詹姆斯在实现其艺术目的过程中的不懈努力。关键词:直接性,意识中心,模糊性 MA Dissertation of Chongqing University Abstract II ABSTRACT Henry James is one of the greatest novelists and critics in the lateof the eenth century and early twentieth century. During his long period of writing, he devotes himself to realizingthe immediacy of novel whichmeans to present the process a direct impression, make truthfullyhum of the human scene at large. And James‘scoreconcept is thedramatizationof novel, which conforms tohis pursuitofthe vividness of art. This thesis mainly discusses how James gradually realizes his pursuit of novel‘s immediacy; how he shifts readers‘attentionfrom the outside world to the inner world; how he realizes the introvertedchangeof novel‘s subject and how he achieves his pursuit of novel‘simmediacythroughthe single center of consciousness used in first phaseand the multiple centers of consciousness in the third phaseas well as the ambiguity. It can be seen that his innovation of writingtechnique is a dynamic, developingand continuousprocess:from the psychological description with a strong sense of reality to showingcharacters‘inner worlds process can also be comprehended as thepersistent effortsfor James to realize his artisticpursuit. Key words: Immediacy, Center of Consciousness, Ambiguity MA Dissertation of Chongqing University Table of Contents III TABLE OF CONTENTS 中文摘要...........................................