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文档介绍:MARINE ENGINES BY series OPERATION MANUAL 4BY2 6BY2 P/N: 0ABY0-G00200 Disclaimers: All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest information available at the time of publishing. The illustrations used in this manual are intended as representative reference views only. Moreover, because of our continuous product improvement policy, we may modify information, illustrations and / or specifications to explain and / or exemplify a product, service or maintenance improvement. We reserve the right to make any change at any time without notice. Yanmar and are registered trademarks of Yanmar Co., Ltd. in Japan, the United States and / or other countries. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of Yanmar Marine International. ? 2008 Yanmar Marine International 1108 ii BY Series Operation Manual ? 2008 Yanmar Marine International TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction......................................................................1 Record of Ownership......................................................2 Safety...............................................................................3 Safety Precautions.........................................................4 General Information.................................................4 Before You Operate.................................................4 During Operation and Maintenance.............................4 Safety Decals................................................................8 Product Overview..............................................................9 Yanmar BY-Series Features and Applications......................9 New Engine Break In..............................................ponent Identification..............................................


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