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italy and the italians - bbc:意大利和意大利-英国广播公司.pdf

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italy and the italians - bbc:意大利和意大利-英国广播公司.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/4/10 文件大小:0 KB


italy and the italians - bbc:意大利和意大利-英国广播公司.pdf



文档介绍:Ital y and th e Italians TV Italianissimo All 20 prog ra mmes in clu d e docume n tary material on Italian life and cultu r e, wit h English su b t itles Italian Journey Five-min ute d o cu menta r ie s and intervie ws fo cu sing o n asp e ct s of Italian life in Venice, e, Rome, Milan an d Sicily. Level 3 Online Full transcri p ts of Italianissimo .uk/ed ucation/ langu age s/ita lian/issimo/tvtran script s/ Italian Journey .uk/ed ucation/ langu age s/ita lian/jou r ney/ M ake Italian Your Busine ss .uk/ed ucation/ l angu age s/ita lian/bu sine ss/ Italian Steps All units incl u de note s on contemp o ra ry Italian cultu r e and links to external sites .uk/lan gua ge s/italian/lj/ Eurogra fte rs Links to external site s co ntaini ng info rm ation on working in Italy .uk/ed ucation/ langu age s/ita lian/forwork/g e ttingthere/ Get talki n g : BBC/Learning & S k ills Co uncil 2004 Itali a n