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jazz a-b-z:爵士a-b-z.pdf

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jazz a-b-z:爵士a-b-z.pdf



文档介绍:JAZZ ABZ: AN A TO Z COLLECTION OF JAZZ PORTRAITS Louisiana Young Readers' Choice Award Nominee 2008 Grades 6-8 Submitted by Susan Hays Melsheim er, Graduate Student, LSU School of Library & Information Science, (Professor: Dr. Margie Thomas); and Do rothy L. Grimsley, Instructor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Jazz ABZ: An A to Z Collection of Jazz Portraits by Wynton Marsalis. Illustrated by Paul Rogers. Candlewick Press, 2005. 76 pages. Summary Marsalis has written twenty-six poems as tribut es to twenty-six jazz musicians. Each poem reflects the musical style of the performer. Th e words in each poem highlight the letter in the alphabet and the plishments of said performer. Brief biographies by Phil Schapp are included. The bold, poster-like ple ment the words in the poems. The poems are most effective read aloud like slam poetry, beat poetry or hip-hop. Each of the poetic forms used by Marsalis is described. This book will be enjoyed by jazz buffs a nd poetry-lovers and may encourage many readers to learn more about music and about poetry. Awards and “Best Book” Lists 2006 Bologna Ragazzi Special Award – Words and Music 2006 NCTE Notable Children’s Books in the Language Arts 2006 IRA Notable Children’s Book Award, Young Adult Nonfiction 2006 ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee Author’s Biography Wynton Marsalis was born