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上传人:机械CAD论坛 2011/11/18 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:蒋军虎考研英语二 VIP 专项辅导咨询电话:********** **********
入学测试 Part 4、Part 5 参考答案:

Part 4
Dear Sir or Madam,(To whom it may be concerned,)
I am writing this letter for the purpose of making some suggestions for improving the service of
our university library. Although our library functions effectively in enriching our campus life, its
service goes far from being desired. In my eyes the following measures need to be taken
Firstly, most of puter keyboards are broken and require mending or replacing as soon as
possible. In addition, students should have access to the latest readings such as academic
periodicals. It’s inadequate to provide merely back issues to the students at the reading room. Last
but not the least is that the study lounge is not well illuminated and thus the lighting system needs
to be improved.
All in all, I think good service is indispensible for a university library, and we should take all
necessary measures to keep up with the times. I will highly appreciate your consideration of my

Part 5
Recently,self-employment has e a popular idea among yongsters, college graduates in
particular. Owing to favorable policies, a large number of graduates launch their own business as
the starting line of career. Furthermore, some essful examples have already been reported in
the newspapers and .


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