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文档介绍:(苏教牛津版)五年级英语下册 Unit 10 练****题小学资源网/ 笔试部分一、 Translate the phrases. 英汉互译。 time for rest _________________ 7. really tired ________________ 8. glow at night __________________ 9. the English club _____________ climbing ___________________ 二、 Choose the correct words plete the passage. 在括号中选择合适的词填空,完成短文。 T oday is1 Day. We have no lessons today. There isa volleyball games this afternoon. But I am ill. I am 2 now. My house is3 my school. From the window I can 4 some boys 5 volleyball in the playground. I want to play with them, but I6. Look at the tall man 7 sun- glasses, he’sour PE teacher, Mr. Che ng. And th atboy is my friend, Leo. L eo likes volleyball very much. He ___8_ _ volleyball very well . Listen, Mr. C heng is shouting to__9___“ Come on, Leo. It’s your 10_ now. ”()1. A. Child ’s B. Children ’s C. Childs ’ D. Childrens ’()2. A. at home B. in home C. near home D. come home ()3. A. under eside D. in ()4. A. look B. look at C. see D. watch ()5. A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays ()6. ’t B. can ’t C. isn ’t D. am not ()7. A. use C. with D. at ()8. A. like B. play C. plays D. playing ()9. B. him C. his D. her ()10. A. time B. turn on C. turn D. times 三、 Complete the sentences according to the Chinese. 根据句意填出所缺单词。