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kerr black holes with scalar hair:克尔黑洞的标量的头发.pdf

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kerr black holes with scalar hair:克尔黑洞的标量的头发.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/4/11 文件大小:0 KB


kerr black holes with scalar hair:克尔黑洞的标量的头发.pdf


文档介绍:arXiv: [gr-qc] 14 May 2014 Kerr black holes with scalar hair Carlos A. R. Herdeiro 1and Eugen Radu 1 1Departamento de F′?sica da Universidade de Aveiro and I3N, Campus de Santiago, 3810-183 Aveiro, Portugal. (Dated: March 2014) We present a family of solutions of Einstein’s gravity minimally coupled to plex, massive scalar ?eld, describing asymptotically ?at, spinning black holes with scalar hair and a regular hori- zon. These hairy black holes (HBHs) are supported by rotation and have no static limit. Besides massMand angular momentumJ, they carry a conserved, continuous Noether chargeQmeasuring the scalar hair. HBHs branch o? from the Kerr metric at the threshold of the superradiant instabil- ity and reduce to spinning boson stars in the limit of vanishing horizon area. They overlap with Kerr black holes for a set of (M, J) values. A single Killing vector ?eld preserves the solutions, tangent to the null geodesic generators of the event horizon. HBHs can exhibit sharp physical di?erences pared to the Kerr solution, such asJ/M 2>1, quadrupole moment larger thanJ 2/Mand larger orbital angular velocity at the innermost stable circular orbit. Families of HBHs connected to the Kerr geometry should exist in scalar (and other) models with more general self interactions. PACS numbers: .-s, , .-z holes (BHs) are believed to play a cen


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