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上传人:麒麟才子 2016/4/12 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:1 摘要建设地点:大同 construction Site:datong 结构形式:框架结构 construction System:Frame structure 建筑面积: 5655 m 2floor Area: 5655 m 2 层数/高度: 5层/ stories/Height: 5stories/ 主要用途:实验楼 main Use: 关键词: 框架结构 frame structure 现浇混凝土 cast-in-place concreate 独立基础 spread footings 屋面板 roof plate 正截面 normal section 根据实验楼要求入手,从“灵活使用”的角度出发,绿化与建筑相结合,改善外部购物环境。内部采用大、中、小不同的空间尺寸以及斜线、曲线等不同的要素,构成了富于层次流动感强的浓郁的气氛。建筑表达了现代建筑中的传统神韵增添了气氛。在设计理念上,力求充分体现现代化一流旅馆的特点。在整体造型上突出现代、新颖、做到简洁、明快、虚实相接、刚柔相济、给人以蓬勃向上的感觉。设计上采用框架结构、外装饰铝板等新技术、新材料、突出框架结构特点,玻璃、铝板有机结合, 创造一个满足功能、符合环境、有鲜明现代性的建筑形象。透过通透落地玻璃幕墙, 使室内、室外空间相互交融,同时作为窗口,使其景物景象展示给路人。 2 Abstract "Flexible use"bination of greening and building latgely improve its outside shopping the inside,laige,medium and small--sized spice,togethei with the various building elemenrs like diagonal and curve,creates a dense 'Plaza conveys the traditional charm of modern architecture,and effectively billboatd. In terms of design concept,the designers tried to fully materialize both the general features offirst-class modem laboary. In terms of overall form,this shopping mall gives priority to modernism and novelty ---its concise and lively shape conveys a sense of vigor and aggression. Framework strure,aluminum plate outerdecoration and suspended cable point glass curtain wall and other mew technique and materials are introduced into thedesign,giving prominence to the characteristic of frame bination of form,glass and aluminum pate creates an idantity of modem atchitecture that can not only meetthe functional requirements but also assort with the transparentfloor glass curtain wall makes the outdoor and indoor space it is also a window,showing the passersby the indoor scenery of the hotel. 3 .......................................................................................................................... 6 ..........................................................................................