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Design General Information
Content abstract this design took the water conservation water and electricity project specialized undergraduate student's graduation project, the main purpose lies in the related professional course which the utilization studies, specialized elementary knowledge and basic course and so on theory; Understanding and preliminary grasping hydraulic engineering design content, design method and design procedure; Familiar hydraulic engineering design standard; Enhances pilation design instruction booklet and each kind putation and charting ability.
According to the design project description, the instruction booklet divides into six chapters. The first chapters, fundamental data. And second chapters, the aqueduct overall arrangement and aqueduct section form choice, supporting structure form ascertaining that. Third chapters, design the aqueduct section dimension, ascertain slot body general the length, carry out a putation, ascertain the longitudinal slot bottom slope and import and export elevation thereby. Fourth chapters , physical design of the slot body, calculation and structure carrying out the slot body section vertical and horizontal internal force calculate and deploy a reinforced bar. And fifth chapters, row racks and structure of the leg of cattle secretly scheme against, the row being in progress puts up secretly scheming against along the slot posing in reply the structure that the horizontal stroke slot faces and matching tendon, checking calculation its stability. Sixth chapters, detail physical design, water, abutment and both banks connection just do close single-step request to the expa


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