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文档介绍:南京林业大学本科毕业论文 1 本科毕业设计( 论文) 题目: 垃圾填埋场甲烷厌氧氧化及动力学研究学院: 化学工程学院专业: 环境工程班级: 1002051 学号: 100205104 学生姓名: 葛苏阳指导教师: 陈丽玮职称: 讲师指导教师: 张后虎职称: 副研究员二O 一四年5月 16日南京林业大学本科毕业论文 2 垃圾填埋场甲烷厌氧氧化及动力学研究摘要生活垃圾填埋场是甲烷的重要释放源,相对于气体收集装置的高造价,生物覆盖层不仅费用低,而且能够减少甲烷的释放。好氧条件下生物覆盖层对甲烷的氧化反应研究已经较为深入,而厌氧反应却鲜有报道,因此,本文对甲烷厌氧氧化进行了深入研究和分析,监测生活垃圾填埋场四季的甲烷释放情况;考察了覆土厌氧深度下甲烷氧化的存在;分析环境因素对甲烷厌氧氧化的影响,得出结论如下: 1 、生活垃圾填埋场由于填埋物的复杂,因而垃圾填埋场有着高度异质性, 并且在温度、含水率等环境条件的影响下,季节变化时 CH 4释放通量没有统一的规律,填埋气体的变异性较大,应需进行连续的全时段监测。 2 、覆土中甲烷浓度的降低并非是因为空气进入的稀释作用,甲烷与二氧化碳之间存在着碳元素转化的关系,厌氧条件下可以发生甲烷厌氧氧化反应。 3 、甲烷厌氧氧化与甲烷初始浓度相关,并受到环境因素的影响,试验中得出的最佳反应条件为:初始浓度 10% 时,粒径为( <d<2mm) ,当含水率达到20% ,温度为 35℃时达到最大。关键词:垃圾填埋场;甲烷;厌氧;动力学南京林业大学本科毕业论文 3 Anaerobic methane oxidation of waste landfills and the research of dynamics Abstract Municipal solid waste (MSW) land ? ll isone of the important places which produce a mount of methane every year. The Landfill Gas Collection (LFG) reduce the several magnitudes of the methane, but the cost is too the study going on, people find that the using bio-cover can achieve low-calori ?c emissions from land ? the research of other Scientists, aerobic oxidation of methane form MSW has been clear for the public, regrettably,the anaerobic methane oxidation (AOM) isnot mentioned this paper shows following conlusions : 1、 Municipal solid waste (MSW) land ? ll gas differs due to the different waste,which is often affected by the factors,including temperature, moisture content and soon. Therefore a whole hour continuous monitor is necessary. 2、 Meathane gas reduces isnot the result of entrance of air gas to the landfill soil,but has a closely connection to the CH 4 oxidation to CO 2 process. 3、 Methane anaerobic oxidation rate is affected by the initial CH 4 concentration and enviromental factor,the optimum reactor conditon in this paper is that:10% of initial CH 4 concentration, mm < d< 2mm of patical size ,20% moisture content and 35℃ temperature. Key Words : MSW landfill ; Methane oxidation ; Anaero