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文档介绍:毕业设计(论文) ( 201 4 届) 题目存款客户信息管理系统学号 1102020003 姓名彭竣竣所属系数学与计算机科学学学院专业软件技术班级 11 软件班指导教师陈耀东教授新余学院教务处制 I 存款客户信息管理系统摘要近几年来, 随着科技的的发展和社会的进步, 尤其是计算机大范围的普及, 计算机应用逐渐由大规模科学计算的海量数处理转向大规模的事务处理和对工作流的管理, 这就产生了以机计算机为核心, 以数据库管理系统为开发环境的管理信息系统在大规模的事务处理和队工作流的管理等方面的应用, 特别是在银行存款信息管理系统之中的应用日益引起人们的关注, 本文基于 java 编程技术, BEAN S 为开发工具, SQL SERVER 2008 为后台数据库实现了小型的银行存款信息管理系统, 该系统主要功能包括用户注册, 存款, 存款查询, 客户管理, 用户管理等功能, 从而满足了广大人民群众的需求同时也实现了银行存款信息管理的系统化,规范化,自动化和可视化,提高了银行管理的效率。关键词: 存款信息管理; java ;数据库; 客户关系管理系统 1 Deposit customer information management system Abstract In recent years, with the development of science an technology and the progress of the society, especially the large rang e puting mass data processing to large-scale transaction process , and workflow management, which has made to puter as the core, the application of management information system based on database management system for the development environment in large-scale transaction processing and workflow management, especially in the application of information management system attracts people's attention increasingly bank deposits, this paper based on the Java programming technology, the visual integrated development BEANS as the development tool, SQL SERVER 2008 database for the background to achieve the bank account information management system of small, the main function of this system includes user registration, deposit,account inquiries, customer management, user management and other functions, so as to meet the needs of the masses but also realize the systematization, bank deposit information management standardization,automation and visualization, and improves the efficiency bank management. 客户关系管理系统 2 目录摘要.............................................................................................................................................................. I Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................