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文档介绍:English Learner Strategy Training ?给人以鱼,一日食鱼; ?授人予渔,终身得鱼。? Give a man a fish and he eats a day. ? Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime. 外国语学院 Foreign Language Institute Part I: Learner Strategy (LS ) Part II: Learner Strategy Training (LST) Introduction of learner strategy There has been a prominent shift within the field of language education over the last twenty years with greater emphasis being put on learners and learning rather than on teachers and teaching . Extensive investigation has shown the importance of language learning strategies in making language learning more efficient and in producing a positive effect on learners ’ language use (Wenden and Rubin, 1987; ) How learners process new information and what kinds of strategies they employ to understand, learn or remember the information has been the primary concern of the researchers dealing with the area of language learning . Definition of learner strategy ? learning strategies are “ operations used by learners to aid the acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information. ” Oxford and Nyikos (1989) Background of learner strategy (一)I n the 1950s-1960s : The focus of education research changed from behavior theory to cognitive theory ,learning became knowledge acquisition. (二)In the1960s: research began Rubin (1975) classified strategies in terms of processes contributing directly or indirectly to language learning. (三)D uring the 1970s and 1980s : Cognitive theory mature d In cognitive theory, the learner es a processor of information. (四) With the shift of psychological theory from behaviorism to cognition, educational practice has shifted from identifying learners as passive recipients to identifying them as active constructors and managers in processing knowledge. Categories of learner strategy Language learning strategies are conscious thoughts and behaviors used by learners with the explicit goal of improving th