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四年级英语下册Unit 6课件11.ppt.ppt

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四年级英语下册Unit 6课件11.ppt.ppt

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四年级英语下册Unit 6课件11.ppt.ppt



文档介绍:Maoxi Primary School Liu Yang Taxi Unit 6 Let ’ s go by taxi Free talk : Let ’ s go to … Shall we go to …? 对于去哪里春游,你有什么好建议吗? Great! How do we go there? 我们怎么样去那儿呢? Shall we go to the theatre by taxi ? 我们乘……去……好吗? Let ’ s go to the Nanjing Theatre . OK. Theatre 剧院 B: How do we go there? A: Shall we go there by …? A: Let ’s go to the supermarket. B: How do we go there? A: Shall we go there by …? A: Let ’s go to … Practice in pairs Is this … for … park 2 theatre theatre 7 supermarket supermarket 1 Yes,it is. No, it isn ’ t. 1、 Where do they want to go ? 2、 How do they go there ? (他们要去哪里?) (他们如何去的?) 看动画,回答问题 1、 Where do they want to go ? (他们要去哪里?) 2、 How do they go there ? (他们如何去的?) Theatre. By taxi. Great! How do we go there? Let ’ s go to the theatre. Shall we go to the theatre by bus? OK. Excuse me, is this bus for the theatre? No, it isn ’ t.