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文档介绍:1 S urgery [] 外科 T he Disturbance of Fluid,Electrolyte [] and Acid-base Balance [] 水,电解质和酸碱平衡失调 R espiratory acidosis [] [] 呼吸性酸中毒 Respiratory alkalosis [] 呼吸性碱中毒 H ypercapnia [] 高碳酸血症 H ypocapnia [] 低碳酸血症 H ypovolemic shock [] 低血容量性休克 S eptic hock [] s感染性休克 C ardiogenic shock [] 心源性休克 N eurogenic chock [] 神经性休克 A naphylactic shock [] 过敏性休克 C ardiopulmonary resuscitation [][] CPR 心肺复苏 T umor [] an transplantation [][] 器官移植 I ncreased intracranial pressure [] 颅内压增高 C erebral edema [ 2 ][] 脑水肿 H ydrocephalus [] 脑积水 C erebral herniation [] 脑疝 C raniocerebral injuries [] 颅脑损伤 C ompression of the Spinal Cord [] 脊髓压迫症 P rotrusion of intervertebral disc [ ][] 椎间盘突出 H ypertensive intracranial hemorrhage [ ][ ][] HIH 高血压脑出血 T hyroid adenoma [ ][ ] 甲状腺腺瘤(癌) H yperthyroidism [] 甲状腺功能亢进(甲亢) B reast cancer 乳腺癌 A cute mastitis [] 急性乳腺炎 P neumothorax [] 气胸 H emothorax [3 ] 血胸 P ulmonary emphysema [] 肺气肿 B ronchiectasis [] 支气管扩张 L ung cancer 肺癌 C arcinoma of the esophagus [ ][] 食管癌 H ernias [] 疝I ncarcerated hernia [ ][] 嵌顿性疝 S trangulated hernia [] 绞窄性疝 I nguinal hernia [] 腹股沟疝 I ndirect hernia 斜疝 D irect hernia 直疝 A bdominal injury 腹部损伤 Peritonitis [] 腹膜炎 S plenic rupture [] 脾破裂 H epatorrhexis ,rupture of liver [] 肝破裂 I njury of pancreas [] 胰腺损伤 I njury of duodenum [4 ] 十二指肠损伤 R upture of small intestine [] 小肠破裂 R upture of colon [] 结肠破裂 R upture of rectum [] 直肠破裂 R etroperitoneal hematoma [