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performance analysis of aodv using http trafficunder black…:使用http trafficunder黑aodv路由协议性能分析….pdf

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performance analysis of aodv using http trafficunder black…:使用http trafficunder黑aodv路由协议性能分析….pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/4/14 文件大小:0 KB


performance analysis of aodv using http trafficunder black…:使用http trafficunder黑aodv路由协议性能分析….pdf



文档介绍:Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), , , June 2012 DOI : .2308 99 Pe rformance Analysis of AODV using HTTP traffic under Black Hole Attack in Ekta Barkhodia 1, Parulpreet Singh 2, Gurleen K aur Walia 3 Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India ektab0@, parulpreet89@ A BSTRACT Mobile Ad- hoc Network () is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration. The mobility of nodes in s changes frequently which results in work topology , due to work topology routin g in s a challenging task. s are weak against man y types of attack, one of the attacks is the black hole attack . In this attack, a malicious node advertises itself as having fr eshest or shortest path to sp ecific node to absorb packets itself. The effect of black hole attack on ad work using AODV as a routing protocol with Http traffic load wi ll be examined in this research. The performance analysis of AODV reactive protocol is evaluated with respect to throughput and end-to- end delay using modeller. KEYWORDS , AODV, HTTP, . NTRODUCTION Mobile Ad- hoc Network () is a set of wireless mobile nodes. These networks are decentralised system. Here n odes communicate with each other


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