文档介绍:T rauma remains the leading cause of mortality among persons 1 to 44 years old in the United States 1and accounts for almost 9% of total mortality worldwide. 2 In 2008 a total of 663000 injury-related deaths occurred in Europe (% of total deaths). 2 Uncontrolled bleeding and exsanguination are the leading cause of preventable death after trauma 3and require early detection of potential bleeding sources and prompt action to minimize blood loss, restore tissue perfusion, and achieve a stable hemodynamic status. Permissive Hypotension in Bleeding Trauma Patients: Helpful or Not and When? STAVROS GOURGIOTIS, MD, PhD E ZIS, MD HEMANT M. KOCHER, MD, FRCS STAVROS ALOIZOS, MD NIKOLAOS S. SALEMIS, MD, PhD STYLIANOS GRAMMENOS, MD This article has been designated E credit. A closed-book, multiple-choice examination follows this article, which tests your knowledge of the following objectives: 1. State the purpose of permissive hypotension 2. Identify factors that affect fluid resuscitation 3. Discuss the physiologic response of permissive hypotension ?2013 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses doi: http://dx./ Continuing Nursing Education Cover Severity of hemorrhage and rate of bleeding are fundamental factors in the es of trauma. Intra- venous administration of fluid is the basic treatment to maintain blood pressure until bleeding is con- trolled. The main guidel