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plant biotechnology in agriculture:在农业植物生物技术.pdf

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plant biotechnology in agriculture:在农业植物生物技术.pdf



文档介绍:Plant biotechnology in agriculture Dominique Job * Laboratoire RS/INRA/Bayer CropScience (UMR 1932), Bayer CropScience, 14–20, rue Pierre-Baizet, 69269, Lyon cedex 9, France Received 17 June 2002; accepted 1 October 2002 Abstract Knowledge on plant genomes has progressed during the past few years. Two plant genomes, those of Arabidopsis thaliana and rice, have been sequenced. Our present knowledge of synteny also indicates that, despite plasticity contributing to the diversity of the plant genomes, anization of genes is conserved within large sections of chromosomes. In parallel, novel plant transformation systems have been proposed, notably with regard to plastid transformation and the removal of selectable marker genes in transgenic plants. Furthermore, a number of recent works considerably widen the potential of plant biotechnology. ?2002 éditions scienti?ques et médicales Elsevier SAS and Société fran?aise de biochimie et biologie moléculaire. All rights reserved. Keywords: Biotechnology; Transgenesis; Plants 1. Introduction Prior to agriculture, humans lived as nomadic hunters and could survive solely on wild plant and animal resources. Noticing the immense wealth of the plant and animal king- doms, their essful efforts to domesticate the wild species launched agriculture. Until very recently, plant breeding still relied solely on the accumulated experience of generations