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文档介绍:I 摘要信息管理系统不仅是一种管理的先进工具与手段,也是各种先进管理思想的载体与体现,在现在的企事业单位及各类社会团体中都被广泛地采用。信息管理系统往往都是通过应用程序软件对数据库信息进行管理操作来实现现实的管理需求,吉林产业发展与企业环境研究中心科研成果管理系统也就是其中之一。在应用了该系统后,系统主要由研究中心管理员负责。当研究中心管理员搜集到研究中心基本资料和科研成果后,输入系统进行处理,处理完成后系统会根据需要进行归档与反馈。另外根据已有的资料信息,研究中心管理员可对做汇总分析统计查询, 把握研究中心科研的总体概况。系统还提供研究中心人员信息管理,资源展示功能, 为研究中心管理员和研究中心研究员提供服务,除此之外,系统为研究中心的图书管理系统提供了接口,可扩展性好。关键词: 信息管理系统,科研成果管理,软件 II S cientific R esearch Achievements M anagement S ystem of Industry Development and Enterprise Environment Research Center of Jilin A bstract: Information management system isnot only an advanced management tool and method ,but also the carrier ofa variety of advanced management thought and embodied in enterprises and various social groups have been widely adopted. Information management systems are often through the application software on the database information management operations to achieve the management needs of the reality, S cientific R esearch Achievements M anagement S ystem of Industry Development and Enterprise Environment Research Center of Jilin isone of them. After the application of the system, the system administrator is responsible for the research center. When administrator has been collect ed basic data and achievements of the research ers , key into the system for processing . When the processing plete, data will need tobe archived and the system may need to provide some feedback. In addition, based on existing data and information, administrators can do the summary analysis of statistical inquiry, and grasp the overall profile for the Research Center. The system also provides research center personnel information management, resource display functions, provide services to the administrator and researchers of the Research Center , In addition, the system provides an interface to the L ibrary M anagement S ystem of Research Center, then it is good scalability. Key words: i nformation management system, s cientific r esearch achievements , administrator III 目录摘要.........................