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rehabilitation exercises after knee surgery:膝盖手术后的康复锻炼.pdf

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rehabilitation exercises after knee surgery:膝盖手术后的康复锻炼.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/4/15 文件大小:0 KB


rehabilitation exercises after knee surgery:膝盖手术后的康复锻炼.pdf



文档介绍:Rehabilitation Exercises After Knee Surgery 1. Ankle pumps and Circles: Do this throughout the day to help the circulation in the lower leg. 2. Quad Sets: Tighten the muscle on the front of your thigh, pressing the back of the knee into the bed. Hold for a count of ten and then relax. Begin 10 times each hour that you are awake. *If you are not getting your pletely straight, place a small towel roll under your heel to help stretch into extension with this exercises.* 3. Hamstring Sets: Tighten the muscles on the back, of your thigh by pushing your heel into the bed as if bending th e knee. Hold for a count of 5-10, then relax. 4. Leg Lifts: A. Back Lying: Do a quad set, raise your leg a bout two feet off of the bed. Slowly lower the leg. Keep the opposite hi p and knee bent with the foot on the bed. Start with one set of ten repetitions, three to four times per day. Gradually increase in the first week to 50-100 leg lifts per day. plete straightening of the knee is crucial. B. Side Lying: Lying on the non-operated side with the pelvis rolled forward, raise the leg up and back. This is called abduction. Hold it for a count of 5-10 and then slowly lower the leg. C. Side Lying: Lying on the operated side with the pelvis rolled forward, raise the leg up and back. This is called adduction. Hold it


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