文档介绍:SAT 数学知识点三 Geometry and Measurement Review Concept You should to Know For the mathematics questions convering geometry and measurement concepts, you should be familiar with allof the following basic skills, topics, and formulas: 一、 Geometric notation 二、 Points and lines 三、 Angles in the plane 四、 Triangles(including special triangles) ☆ Equilateral triangles ☆ Isosceles triangles ☆ Right triangles and the Pythagorean theorem ☆ 30o -60 o -90 o triangles ☆ 45o -45 o -90 o triangles ☆ 3-4-5 triangles ☆ Congruent triangles ☆ Similar triangles ☆ The triangle inequality 五、 Quadrilaterals ☆ Parallelograms ☆ Re ctangles ☆ Sequares 六、 Areas and Perimeters ☆ Areas of squares and rectangles ☆ Perimenters of squares and rectangles ☆ Area of triangles ☆ Area of Parallelograms 七、 Other polygons ☆ Angles ina polygon ☆ Perimeter ☆ Area 八、 Circles ☆ Diameter ☆ R