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I__ Process of Translation(翻译过程).ppt

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I__ Process of Translation(翻译过程).ppt

上传人:chuandao1680 2016/4/16 文件大小:0 KB


I__ Process of Translation(翻译过程).ppt


文档介绍:Lecture 2 ? Process and Means of Translation I. Process of Translation (翻译过程) ? The Process of translation consists of two phases: comprehension and expression . Generally speaking, comprehension is of foremost importance, and expression is the natural consequence of thorough comprehension. i). prehension ? . ?---- 三十周年纪念? a) 30 anniversary ?b) Commemoration of the 30 th anniversary ?---- 黄河母亲 a) Mother of the Yellow River ? b) the Yellow River, our mother ii) Expression ? eg.----Mr . Brown thinks that family life is not enough without friends even it is fulfilling . ?布朗先生认为,没有朋友的家庭生活,即使很美满,也是不够的。?---- 他长得黑黝黝的,身材偏瘦而匀称,而他头发颜色浅浅的,眼睛碧蓝。? He ’ s dark and slim, and he ’ s got fair hair and blue eyes. Sophisticated ? a sophisticated man ? a sophisticated woman ? a sophisticated columnist ? a sophisticated electronic device ? a sophisticated weapon ? a sophisticated man 老于事故的? a sophisticated woman 狡黠的? a sophisticated columnist 老练的? a sophisticated electronic device 高度精密的? a sophisticated weapon 尖端的? II. Means of Translation (翻译方式) ? i) literal translation ( 直译)? The so – called literal translation , superficially speaking, means, “ not to alter the original words and sentences ”; strictly speaking, it strives “ to keep the sentiments and style of the original ”. It takes sentences as its basic units and takes the whole text (discourse) into consideration at the same time in the course of translation. Furthermore, it strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original works and retains as much as possible the figures of speech.. essful literal translation ?---- armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿?---- gentlemen ’ s agreement 君子协定?---- Chain reaction 连锁反映?---- Crocodile ’ s tears 鳄鱼泪?---- 纸老虎 paper tiger ii)liberal /free translation ( 意译) ? an alternative approach which is used mainly to convey the meaning and spirit of


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