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文档介绍:1999 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and Transit 1 Background Report Purpose To provide Congress and other decision makers with an objective appraisal of highway, bridge and transit conditions, performance, finance and future investment requirements. Retrospective z Summarize current information on the national transportation system z Analyze historic trends Prospective z Identify resources required to attain performance objectives z Identify potential impacts on system and users under different scenarios 1999 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and Transit 2 Methodology anization n Introduction and Highlights n Executive Summary (one page summaries) n 11 Multimodal Chapters n 9 Appendices covering topics unique to highways or transit n Mostly in narrative format (unlike 1997 C&P report) – 314 Exhibits – 73 Q&A boxes 1999 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and Transit 3 Methodology New Topics in the 1999 Edition n Interstate Needs Study n New section on Personal Mobility n Expanded analysis of Safety issues n Expanded analysis of the National Highway System n Preview of the NHS Freight Intermodal Connectors Study n Update on Asset Management and Investment Strategies n New section on the Condition and Performance of the Transportation System Serving Federal and Indian Lands n New section on Federal Highway Safety Programs n Expanded discussion of changes in Investment Requirement Methodology n New section on the Costs and Benefits of Transit 1999 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and Transit 4 Highway/Bridge Findings: Summary Key Findings Conditions and Performance n Pavement condition overall is improving n The percentage of bridges considered to be “ deficient ” has been steadily declining. n Travel Density (DVMT per Lane Mile) is Increasing n Other Congestion Measures Show Mixed Results Spending and Future Capital Investment Requirements n The “ gap ” between current spending and projected future capital investment re