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上传人:lily8501 2016/4/17 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:推荐信模板: 教授推荐信 i am writing in support of zhang shuai in his application for admission to xuchang xueyuan. mr. zhang appears to have great potential asa scholar of history. during my research visit to nanjing in the summer of 2003, i became acquainted with zhang shuai in the reading room of the second historical archives. i was impressed by his knowledge and devotion to history, and also by the fact that in all of my experience working in archives in north america and europe as well as in china, i had not yet met such a researcher at the secondary-school level. other researchers in nanjing were also favourably impressed by zhang shuai. a researcher from chongqing and i discussed zhang shuai after reading an article he had contributed toa journal of military affairs. we agreed that zhang has a good future asa writer and researcher in the chinese history field. we also found him an interesting conversationalist. in my observation, historical studies in china are not developing as fast as other areas of scholarship because many young people do not u


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