文档介绍:附件 1 :在职证明信参考样本,请注意以下内容 1. 请用公司抬头纸打印,如公司无抬头纸,需用电脑做出; 2. 请去掉参考样本中的所有中文提示语,保持在职证明信为全英文格式; 3. 蓝色字体部分为申请人需改动部分。(在职证明信英文样本) 22,Jun 2010 This is to certify that Mr.(Ms. ) Zhang San is an employee ( 职位,如 doctor, teacher, director,etc.) of pany ( hospital, school, bureau, etc ). He (She) would like to go to . to spend his (or her) vacation for xx days . All his(her) travel expense and insurance will be covered by himself(herself) . His(Her) position in pany ( hospital, school, bureau, etc ) will be kept for him(her) during his(her) vacation. We guarantee that he(she) will obey all your immigration laws and return China on time. We would appreciate your help if you could grant him(her) the visa. Name Sex Date of Birth Passport Number Annual e Zhang San M(F) 14-09-1959 G00296067 RMB 20 0,000YUAN Sincerely yours,