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文档介绍:九年级英语下册知识点复****br/>module 4 、课外都尽可能多说
英语。 we must speak english as much as possible
. 2. i dropped my wallet . a. in my way to school b. on my way to school c. on my wayhome. 3. it' s useful to the newspaper every day. a.
look after b. look over c. look through , 快速浏览了一遍报纸。he sat at the table , and
the newspaper. 4. the wine is grapes.
a. making of b. made of c. made from 4. 这个公仔主要是
棉花制成的。 the doll is mainly cotton.
们班是由49个同学组成的our class
49 students. 5. 在那个年代, 雷
锋是家喻户晓的。 , lei feng
was by everyone. 6. 我们不能——次做
can* t do two things .
sweater is made . 8. 他
没有珍惜时间,结果没考上高中。he didn* t care the
time , , he couldn, t enter high school. 9. 在
晚会开始时,有一个魔术表演。 there' s a magic show
the party. ,然后,他获得大量的知
iRo he likes reading, , he get much
knowledge・ 11. your writing is not bad , though
t here' re some mis takes ・ a. by the way b・ in a way
c. in the ,他的话是对的。 ,
what he said is ,我更喜欢红色。 i like red black.
上聊天,而不愿意和别人而对而交谈。 they like to chat
online talk to others face to face. 15•他喜欢看名著,
例如水浒o he likes reading “great book” ,
“shuihu” . ,这样大家就可以听清楚了。speak
loudly , everyone can hear you clearly. 17.
有一天,你会梦想成真的. your dream will come
true ■
module 4 、课外都尽可能多说 英语。 we must speak english as much as possible . 2. i dropped my wallet . a. in my way to school b. on my way to school c. on my way
home. 3. it' s useful to the newspaper every day. a.
look after b・ look over c. look through ,
快速浏览了一遍报纸。he sat at the table , and
the newspaper. 4. the wine is grapes.
a. making of b. made of c. made from 4. 这个公仔主要是
棉花制成的。 the doll is mainly cotton.
们班是由49个同学组成的our class
49 students. 5. 在那个年代,雷 锋是家喻户晓的。 , lei feng
was by everyone. 6. 我们不能——次做
can, t do two things .
I】 sweater is made . 8. 他
没有珍惜时间,结果没考上高中。he didn* t care the time , , he couldn, t enter high school. 9. 在