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文档介绍:I am a thIrd year master major In automatIon at ShanghaI JIao Tong UnIversIty, P R ChIna WIth tremendous Interest In IndustrIal EngIneerIng, I am wrItIng to apply for acceptance Into your PhD graduate program 
EducatIon background 
In 1995, I entered the NanjIng UnIversIty of ScIence & Technology (NUST) -- wIdely consIdered one of the ChIna’s best engIneerIng schools DurIng the followIng undergraduate study, my academIc records kept dIstInguIshed among the whole department I was granted FIrst Class PrIze every semester,In 1999, I got the prIvIlege to enter the graduate program waIved of the admIssIon test 
At the perIod of my graduate study, my overall GPA(377/40) ranked top 5% In the department In the second semester, I became teacher assIstant that Is gIven to talented and matured students only ThIs year, I won the Acer ScholarshIp as the one and only candIdate In my department, whIch Is the ultImate accolade for dIstIngu
Ished students endowed by my unIversIty Presently, I am preparIng my graduatIon thesIs and tryIng for the honor of Excellent GraduatIon ThesIs 
Research experIence and academIc actIvIty 
When a sophomore, I joIned the AssocIatIon of AI EnthusIast and began to narrow down my Interest for my future research WIth the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I desIgned a sImulatIon program for transportatIon schedulIng system It Is now wIdely used by dIfferent research groups In NUST I assumed and fulfIlled a sewage analysIs & dIspose project for NanjIng sewage treatment plant ThIs was my fIrst practIce to convert a laboratory Idea to a commercIal product 
In retrospect, I fInd myself standIng on a solId basIs In both theory and experIence, whIch has prepared me for the PhD program My future research Interests Include: Network SchedulIng Problem, HeurIstIc AlgorIthm research (especIally In GA and Neural network), Supply chaIn network research, Hybr
Id system performance analysIs wIth PetrI nets and Data MInIng 
Mr gao 
回复者:匿名 2010-04-06 15:32:49