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贪婪的猴子(a greedy monkey).doc

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贪婪的猴子(a greedy monkey).doc

上传人:关羽豆道 2020/11/12 文件大小:23 KB


贪婪的猴子(a greedy monkey).doc



文档介绍:贪婪的猴子(A Greedy Monkey)
  one day, a monkey and a gorrila were playing by the side of a river. the monkey noticed a tree with plenty of peaches on the small island across the river. how he wished to have a good taste!
  but he could not swim across the river. suddenly a good idea came upon his mind. he asked the gorilla to help him lay a long stick across the river so that they could share the peaches together. no sooner had the monkey gone across the river than he drew the stick away.
  the gorilla couldn’t get across the river and got angry. then he decided to go away without helping the monkey back. the monkey ate a lot of peaches before he realized he couldn’t go back home. he had nothing to do but cry alone. it really served him right.