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文档介绍:摘要罪责刑相适应原则既是刑法的基本原则,也是量刑公正的考量标准。长期以来,不管是理论界还是司法界,都十分注重罪与刑的均衡与相当。然而,由于受多种因素的影响,量刑失衡成为世界各国普遍存在的现象,在现有的技术条件下,短时间内不可能完全解决。本文对量刑的概念、性质进行了细致解读,研究了我国现行量刑制度存在的问题,并在此基础上深入挖掘造成量刑失衡问题的主观原因和客观原因;通过对两***系主要代表国家量刑机制改革措施的比较研究,找出不同国家量刑制度的积极因素及对我国量刑制度改革的有益借鉴:同时运用比较、分析、归纳等研究方法,提出我国量刑制度改革应从实体、程序及审判实务三方面进行,实体方面制定完善的量刑细则作为依据,程序方面构建相对独立的量刑程序,审判实务中建立典型案例指导制度。通过这种综合施治的方法,对量刑权进行全方位的规范制约,确保量刑的均衡与统一。关键词:量刑制度;量刑失衡;改革 Abstract TN spond ofcrime、 sponsibility andpunishmenl。S th,1 ecorrespond otcrlme responsibility andounishment ISthebasic principle ofcriminallaw,and thejudgment standard ofjust sentencing. For a long time,both the theoretical circleandjudicial circle all extremely paid attention to the balance of crime and punishment. However,the imbalance of sentencing es a widespread phenomenon around theworld due tomany it can not be pletely in the short time under exiting technological conditions. This paper analyses the concept and character of sentencing, explores in-depthsubj ectiveandobj ective reasons ofcausing sentencing imbalance on thebasisof theexistingproblems of current sentencing system in our country;Through parative study on themain representative countries sentencing standardizationmechanism,and then we try tOfind out thepositive factors ofdifferent countries sentencing systemand thebeneficial reference forthereform ofsentencing system in thesametime,with the use parison、analysis、induction and otherresearchmethods,our countries sentencing system should start toreform from thesubstantive law,procedure and trialpractice three aspects,we should formulate perfect sentencing rules as thebasis, Construct relatively independent sentencing procedure and set up the typical case guidance system inthe using prehensive methods,we can carry out fullnorms and restrictions for the right of sentencing,in order to ensure the equilibrium and unification ofthesentencing. Key words:Sentencing system;Sentencing imbalances;Reform 目录摘要?????????????一???..I ABSTRACT??


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