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文档介绍:哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文-I- 世界水日的研究摘要世界水日是 3月22 日。以推动对水资源进行综合性统筹规划和管理, 加强水资源保护,解决日益严峻的缺水问题。同时,通过开展广泛的宣传教育活动,增强公众对开发和保护水资源的意识。让我们节约用水,不要让最后一滴水成为我们的眼泪! 虽然地球的储水量是很丰富的,共有 亿立方千米之多。但是其中海水却占了 % ,陆地淡水仅占 % ,面与人类生活最密切的江河、淡水湖和浅层地下水等淡水,又仅占淡水储量的 % 。更令人担忧的是, 这数量极有限的淡水,正越来越多地受到污染。人类的活动会使大量的工业、农业和生活废弃物排入水中,使水受到污染。目前,全世界每年约有4200 多亿立方米的污水排入江河湖海,污染了 万亿立方米的淡水,这相当于全球径流总量的14% 以上。并且还在增加,扩展和累积。据科学界估计,全世界有半数以上的国家和地区缺乏饮用水,特别是经济欠发达的第三世界国家,目前已有 70% ,即 17 亿人喝不上清洁水,世界已有将近 80% 人口受到水荒的威胁。我国人均淡水为世界人均水平的四分之一,属于缺水国家,全国已有 300 多个城市缺水,已有 29% 的人正在饮用不良水,其中已有 7000 万人正在饮用高***水。每年因缺水而造成的经济损失达 100 多亿元,因水污染而造成的经济损失更达 400 多亿元。以上数据充分说明:水资源短缺成了当今世界面临的重大课题。我们必须增强水的危机意识,珍惜水,节约水,保护水资源。关键词世界水日;保护水资源;节约用水哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文- II- [Click here and input title in English] Abstract The international observance of World Water Day is an initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro WWD 2007 theme: Coping with Water Scarcity 'Coping with Water Scarcity' is the theme for World Water Day 2007, which is celebrated each year on22 March. FAO will be the coordinating agency within the UN system for the theme. The theme highlights the significance of cooperation and importance of an integrated approach to water resource management of water at both international and local levels. Equity and rights, cultural and ethical issues are essential tobe addressed when dealing with limited water resources. Imbalances between availability and demand, the degradation of groundwater and surface water quality, petition, interregional and international disputes, all center around the question ofhow to cope with scarce water resources. The theme was decided among all members of UN Water at the World Water Week in Stockholm in August 2006. However, the Secretariat for UN Water based at UN DESA in New York is serving as the first point of contact within the UN system to deliver a coordinated response. . Please visit the UN Water for Life Decade site for the latest information o