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Identical Twins - TypePad:同卵双胞胎- TypePad.pptx

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Identical Twins - TypePad:同卵双胞胎- TypePad.pptx

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/4/19 文件大小:0 KB


Identical Twins - TypePad:同卵双胞胎- TypePad.pptx



文档介绍:Early Twin Research ? Research of twins began in the 1870s when Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911) published a series of articles arguing that heredity (nature) was a stronger factor than environment (nurture) in determining the respective characteristics of twins. ? In May 1943 Bavarian scientist , Joseph Mengele was assigned to Auschwitz as camp physician. ? He order all twins be spared for the purpose of his research. Mengele ’ s Research ? His experiments were cruel and often unethical. ? His work was mainly random trial and error with no hypothesis. ? One thing he obsessed over was trying to change eye color to blue. This often ended in pain, infection or blindness of the subject. ? He would inject, bleed, dismember, irradiate, or transfuse his twins, expose them to diseases, or perform unconventional surgical procedures on them without anesthesia . ? He often killed one or both twins and then dissected their bodies. ? He experimented with over 1500 pair of twins and only 200 survived. ? because of Auschwitz, reasonable and legitimate twin researchers after World War II experienced some difficulty in restoring its domain of inquiry to the level of approval enjoyed in Galton's time Survivors Twin facts ? y thousand people gather yearly at the International Twins Day Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio. ? We're facing a near epidemic of twins. ? One in 50 babies born this year ? The number of twins births rose 33 percent in 1994 alone ? peaking at over 97,000 ? Twins perinatal mortality rate is 5 times greater than babies born singly ? Chances of having a twin pregnancy is increased by maternal age (30+). ? Identical twins share the same DNA but do not have the same fingerprints. ? 22 % percent of twins are left handed, compared to 10% in singletons. ? Twins often share phobias Barbara Herbert and Daphne Goodship ? British twins who were adopted by two different families after their mitted suicide. ? Both grew up in town


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