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文档介绍:Harry Potter
Recently I have watched a movie named Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone. It is a magical novel written by the English writer, . Because of the interesting story and the lively description, it is very popular to the readers all over the world. Now I want to take a minute to introduce it.
Harry Potter, a great man, was born with a scar looking like a lightning as a sign of fighting with Voldemort, the most frightful bad wizard who killed Harry’s parents. Harry’s parents tried their best to protect him from Voldemort. At that night, Harry’s parents died, Voldemort was hurt , Harry survived as a legend.
Because his parents both died, he was adopted by his aunt. His aunt’s family felt very bad about Harry who came from a wizard family and his brother-in-law , Dudley(['dʌdli]), who was spoiled([spɔɪlt] adj. 被宠坏的) badly by Harry’s uncle and aunt, always bullied
(被欺负的) him, so Harry’s childhood was very miserable(悲惨的), and he had to live his birthday alone each year.
On Harry’s 11-years-old birthday, an unusual thing happened and changed his life. He received an admission letter from the magic school, Hogwarts. Then Hagrid, the keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts, told him how his parents died. Then Harry bought some necessary things for school
On the correct day, Harry came to the magic school which looked like