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文档介绍:worm ’s eye view ——只了解极少一部分 Many have heard the expression a bird ’s eye view, but have you ever heard ofa worm ’s eye view? If you have a worm ’s eye view of something, you only understand or know a little bit about it- and, unfortunately, it is usually the worst or least important part! 很多人听到过鸟瞰这个词, 但是你有听说过“虫视”吗?这个****语的意思是你只了解或懂得一件事的很小一部分,而且不幸的是,你了解的是最不重要的部分! Example: What does he know about prepositions? He only has a worm ’s eye view of English grammar! 例:他哪里懂介词了?他对英语语法的了解少得可怜! party pooper ——扫兴的人 A party pooper is someone who (always) ruins the fun. 这个****语指的是总是在派对上扫人兴的人。 Example: Frieda said that she can ’e to our ? 80’s Rock Star ? party. She has to stay home and wash her hair - what a party pooper! 例:弗莉达说她不能来我们的“ 80 年代摇滚明星”主题派对了。她要在家洗头——真扫兴! 3. everyone and his brother ——一大群人 The English expression everyone and his brother refers toa very large number of people. 这个****语泛指的是一大群人。 Example: Everyone and his brother was at the stamp collectors ’ convention last weekend. I had never seen so many people in my life! 例:上周的集邮者大会爆棚了。我这辈子从来没见过这么多人! 4. The world is your oyster. ——随心所欲 If the world is your oyster, you have the ability to do anything you want or set you mind to do. 如果有人用这样的****语描述你, 那说明只要你想做、下定决心做一件事, 你就一定能做成。 Example: The young people of today have so many advantages. The world is their oyster. 例:现在的年轻人有太多有利条件了。他们想干什么都能干成。 5. The worm has turned. ——(地位低下的人)反抗、转变 Here i