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文档介绍:北京现代汽车ix35 数字营销方案研究 Dissertation Submitted to Hebei University of Technology for The Master Degree of Business Administration A STUDY OF DIGITAL MAKETING SCHEME FOR BEIJING HYUNDAI ix35 by Li Ran Supervisor: Prof. Liu Hong May, 2013 河北工业大学工商管理硕士( MBA )学位论文 i 摘 要 随着互联网和手机的普及与发展,它们已经成为消费者获取信息的重要渠道,同时也是汽车企业重要的营销渠道。竞争激烈的中国汽车市场,由于汽车企业在技术上与产品上的差距正在不断缩小,价格战愈演愈烈,竞争同质化导致了汽车营销成本大幅上升。汽车企业纷纷将注意力向投入产出比较高的数字营销上转移。本文意在通过 SUV 市场环境分析和同级别竞争车型的研究,利用 STP 理论进行市场细分、确定目标市场、明确产品的市场定位;基于 4R 理论,以顾客让渡价值为原则,在 ix35 数字营销方案设计中,超越传统数字化营销所局限的宣传推广的作用,以期在销售方面助推 ix35 销售任务的实现, 寻求探索汽车行业如何有效的运用数字营销策略、实施渠道。首先介绍了国内汽车市场环境, 2012 年汽车产销两旺,作为兼具城市代步和乡村越野等功能的车型, SUV 在市场上的关注度持续上扬。而互联网与手机的普及与发展,消费者行为模式发生变化,影响数字营销传播方式的变化,新的媒体阵营形成。提出数字营销在汽车行业的作用与发展趋势,为论文核心部分做铺垫。本文核心部分是进行北京现代 SUV 车系 ix35 的数字营销方案设计。 ix35 已经成为北京现代 SUV 车系的中坚力量,肩负销售重担。通过前期的市场调研报告,了解 SUV 市场环境、目标群体特征、预设竞争对手。利用 STP 战略规划工具,明确目标市场细分、目标市场选择、目标市场定位。在新的 AISAS 整合营销模式下, 明确 ix35 数字营销的 4R 策略, 并基于营销目标,制定完善的数字营销解决方案,在提升品牌影响力的同时,助推 ix35 销售任务的实现。最后提出 ix35 数字营销方案控制与评估指标。关键词: 数字营销汽车 STP 4R ix35 北京现代汽车ix35 数字营销方案研究 ii ABSTRACT With the popularization and de velopment of and ce ll phone, they have e the important channels for customers to get information from the outsi de world, and they are also the inseparable ways of automobile marketing. In auto markets of China, as the gap of auto manufacturers is narrowing in technique and product manufacturing, petition on price is increasingly intensified, petition homogenizat ion has led the significant rise of the cost of auto marketing. All these has made auto manu facturers focus their eyes on the low-cost but high-efficiency digital marketing. The paper aims at segmenting the market, set the target market, and specify the market positioning of the product by using STP Theory th rough the analysis of SUV selling environment and the study petitive prod ucts; and in the process of de signing ix 35 digital marking scheme, based on 4R Theory and delivered value of customers, exceeding the effect of pro