姓名:郑静 学号:21340120 指导老师:刘士民
关键词:城市乡镇 基础教育 均衡发展
Prospect Expectations on Balanced Development of Urban and Rural Areas of Elementary Education in Our Country
Abstract: After several decades of educational integration and reform, the development of elementary education in our country has come into a new stage. At the same time, the unfair phenomenon of education become more and more intensified, a series of inappropriate deeds that go against balanced education have been seriously affecting the quality and development of elementary education, especially in the aspects of unfair distribution of education between urban and rural area, choosing school hot and teacher instability. To solve these problems, the government takes a great many measures, including advocates for fairness positively, strengthens the investment of finance and teacher in the areas that poor in elementary education, establishes and improves legal administration of education, changes the development style of elementary education, distributes educational resources rationally, promotes the balanced development of urban and rural education so that citizens can share educational fairnes