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文档介绍:2011 年英语 B 级考试试卷答案
1 How can we reduce the risk of cancer?
A cut in B cut down
C cut off D cut out
2 The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the
cost of shipping cargo by water.
A continuously B quickly
C excessively D exceptionally
3 During the past ten years there have been dramatic changes in the international
sit uation.
A permanent B powerful
C striking D practical
4 The most crucial problem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce
reso urces.
A puzzling B difficult
C terrifying D urgent
5 His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him that she was married.
A failed B deleted
C refused D rejected
6 The substance can be added to gasoline to accelerate the speed of automobiles.
A quicken B shorten
C loosen D enlarge
7 We should never content ourselves with a little knowledge only.
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A convince B satisfy
C comfort D benefit
8 We should contemplated the problem from all sides.
A deliberated B thought
C described D designed
9 His health had deteriorated while he was in prison.
A became better B became worse
C became stronger D became weaker
10 If you want my advice, you should revise your plan for the trip to Beijing.
A change B exchange
C enlarge D encourage
11 Smoking is inhibited in public places.
A instructed B inquired
C forbidden D strived
is said to be suffering from terminal cancer and has asked for euthanasia
( *** )
A acute B chronic
C final D fatal
13 I felt impelled to tell the truth.
A promoted B induced
C compelled D improved
14 Its prudent to take a thick coat in cold weather when you go out.
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A controversial B reasonable
C sensible D sensitive
15 Are you positive that there ’s been no mistake?
A rational B reasonable
C certain D bound
二、阅读判断。 阅读判断。
An Observation and an Explanation
It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards
her baby. The usual fondling, cuddling and cleaning requir


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医疗器械经营法规政策和市场竞争分析培训 31页

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医疗器械生产过程中的标准化与规范化管理 25页

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医疗器械生产中的质量策划与控制培训 29页

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医疗器械市场开发拓展区域市场的五个方法 28页

医疗器械定义与分类 27页

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