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导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《邓世昌的英雄事迹英文简介》的内容,具体内容:邓世昌,清末北洋水师将领,民族英雄。是清朝北洋舰队中"致远"号的舰长,下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!邓世昌简介Deng Shichang (...
Deng Shichang (October 4, 1894 - September 17, 1894), the Han nationality, formerly known as Yongchang, the word is Qing, Guangdong Guangfu people in Guangdong Panyu County Long Guiyuan Township (Guangzhou Haizhu District), the late Qing Dynasty North Ocean Navy ,national hero.
Deng Shichang is one of the earliest naval officers in China, and is the captain of the "Zhiyuan" in the Northern Fleet. He has a strong patriotism, often said to the soldiers: "Who is no death? I hope we die, die!" 1894 Sino-Japanese war during the Sino-Japanese cruise ship for the long-range cruiser (that is, the captain). September 17, 1894 in the Yellow Sea battle in the heroic sacrifice, posthumous feudal section of the public, Guangxu emperor Lianlian wrote: Today, the world wandering tears, there are male foot strong military force.
There are many literary, film and television works, such as "Jiawu Fengyun", "Heroes Deng Shichang", "Jiawuhai Battle" and so on. There are many places to commemorate, pay tribute and pay tribute.
Early experience
1849 (Qing dynasty twenty-nine years) October 4 (lunar August 19) was born in Guangdong Panyu County Long Guiyuan Township (now Guangzhou Haizhu District) (Long Guiwei Street). His father Deng Huazhuang, franchise tea business, taste in Guangzhou and Tianjin, Shanghai, Han, Hong Kong, Qinhuangdao and other places to set up Cheung hair tea, and the construction of Deng Temple. Because of Deng Huan Zhuang and his wife Guo suffered the darkness and war of the troubles, earnestly hope Dengs family prosperity, gave their only son named Deng Yongchang; However, the prosperity of the family business is easy, can not do without the situation and the national environment, Informed sense of the Deng Huanzhuang and his son was renam