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文档介绍:南京理工大学毕业设计说明书(论文) 作者: **** 学号: ****** 系: 电子工程与光电技术系专业: 电气工程及其自动化题目: 南京某电力设备制造公司供配电系统设计指导者: (姓名)( 专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓名)( 专业技术职务)2012 年5月南京理工大学毕业设计(论文)评语学生姓名: **** 班级、学号: 题目: 南京某电力设备制造公司供配电系统设计综合成绩: 指导者评语: 指导者( 签字):年月日毕业设计(论文)评语评阅者评语: 评阅者( 签字):年月日答辩委员会(小组)评语: 答辩委员会(小组)负责人( 签字): 年月日毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要电能在现代工业生产及国民经济生活中是不可或缺的,因此,供配电技术显得尤为重要。通过对供配电系统中变电所的设计,可以加深变电所在电力系统中的作用及电力系统设备功能及选择原则等方面的了解和认识。本设计根据厂内各车间负荷表进行负荷计算,然后选取车间变压器及主变压器型号、计算输电线截面并选择厂内架空线路型号。确定系统主接线,通过等效图进行短路计算,根据短路计算的结果选择断路器、互感器等高低压电气设备并进行校验。最后设置继电保护装置并进行整定计算。本设计主要依据相关设计手册的规定,通过计算分析,合理的选择各种设备。关键词负荷计算短路计算电气设备选择继电保护毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title The design of power supply system for one electric power equipment pany in Nanjing Abstract Power inthe modern industrial production and national economic life is indispensable, therefore, distribution technology isparticularly important. Through tothesubstation design inpower supply system ,itcan deepen understanding ofthe substation inpower system and the role ofthe power system equipment function and selection principles. This design given bythe factory workshop substation load tables for load calculation,and then follow putational load oftransformer substation main transformer and the workshop are selected models .According tocalculation oftransmission line cross-sectional area selects models ofoverhead the wiring diagram ofthe power supply then the short-circuit point set for the calculation of short-circuit current,and select different variable pressure side ofthe electrical equipment and last,set relay protection device and setting calculation. This design isthe main basis ofthe provisions of the relevant design manual, through calculation and analysis, reasonable selection ofall kinds ofequipment. Key words load calculation short-circuit calculation electrical equipment choice relay protection 本科毕业设计说明书( 论文) 第Ⅰ页共Ⅰ页目次 1引言...................................................................................................................................