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文档介绍:.页眉. 页脚. 关于圣诞节英语演讲稿小编语:常青树象征奋斗生存,自从中世纪以来就与耶稣圣诞节庆祝活动发生联系。由于历法不同, 东正教及其他东欧教会的圣诞节日期相当于公历 1月6 日或 7日。以下是关于关于圣诞节英语演讲稿 2015 ,供大家参考! 关于圣诞节英语演讲稿 2015( 范文一) Christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of December and has the same importance as Chinese New Year to people with English backgrounds. The celebration is for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God in Christianity. Now days Christmas is no longer only celebrated by the Christians, but by most people from all over the world. On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it’s the day before Christmas which is called Christmas Eve. The children are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “ Santa Claus will e and give you a present if you be good. ” The younger kids actually believe that Santa e down the chimney on the sleigh that ’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when es, however most times parents just eat them. Some children put socks and sacks up for the holding of the presents (that .页眉. 页脚. their parents put in). Rise and shine on Christmas morning! The children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear ….I hope no one ’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyo