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上传人:读书百遍 2020/11/23 文件大小:30 KB





文档介绍:11月CATTI英语二级笔译真题及参考译文 (-11-08 20:05:12)转载▼
标签: 英语翻译 英语学****br/>11月CATTI英语二级笔译真题及参考译文
EC Passage 1
You’ve temporarily misplaced your cell phone and anxiously retrace your steps to try to find it. Or perhaps you never let go of your phone—it's always in your hand, your pocket, or your bag, ready to be answered or consulted at a moment’s notice. When your battery life runs down at the end of the day, you feel that yours is running low as well. New research shows that there’s a psychological reason for such extreme phone dependence: According to the attachment theory, for some of us, our phone serves the same function as the teddy bear we clung to in childhood.
Attachment theory proposes that our early life experiences with parents responsible for our well-being, are at the root of our connections to the adults with whom we form close relationships. Importantly, attachment in early life can extend to inanimate objects. Teddy bears, for example, serve as “transitional objects.” The teddy bear, unlike the parent, is always there. We extend our dependence on parents to these animals, and use them to help us move to an independent sense of self.


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