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文档介绍:Unit 9 My favorite subject is science。
Grammar Focus教案
Analysis of the teaching material:
This unit mainly talk about school subjects and will be divided into five periods。 This is the second period of this unit.
It will continue to talk about the students' favorite subjects and the reasons。
It will review what have learned in the last period and focus on the usage of the special questions contain what, who, why, and when. Important sentence patterns are presented and flexible teaching methods are used to help students master the grammar。
Teaching objectives:
Knowledge objectives
To study the special questions contain what, who, why and when.
To use the key sentence patterns to ask and answer questions.
Ability objectives:
To develop the ability of speaking and writing。
To use the special questions to talk about their favorite subjects freely。
Moral objectives:
To increase students’ interest and develop their self-confidence in speaking English。
To enhance the students’ friendship between each other.
Focus points and difficult points:
To enable students to understand the usage of the special questions.
To enable students to use the special questions to ask and answer questions。
Teaching aids:
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision and lead-in
Review what have learned。
Lead-in the new language point。
Ask some of the stud